Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jesus or Grandpa Taylor?

Apparently to Kimball, every one with gray hair is Jesus, and everyone with white hair is grandpa Taylor (I guess that's a good sign for Grandpa Gurr--he's still got enough dark hair left to not be confused)

2 weeks ago we were driving to the store and there was a homeless man walking along the cars begging for money. Kimball saw his long gray hair and started pointing at him and screaming, "Jesus, mom, Jesus!"

A few days later we had a nice older man as a checker in the store who gave Kimball a balloon as we were leaving. The whole way home Kimball kept repeating, "Gank you, Jesus, boon!" (Thank you Jesus for the Balloon).

Then last week we were at the neighborhood playground and a man with very white hair passed by, talked to us for a minute, and then walked on. After he got out of sight Kimball screamed, "Grampa Taylor, come back. Come Back, talk Grampa Taylor! Are you Grandpa Taylor? (Where are you?) This search for Grandpa Taylor went on for 5 minutes, the entire time of which I was hysterically laughing to myself. This sweet little boy who firmly believes that Jesus gave him a balloon at HEB and that Grandpa Taylor suddenly appeared at the playground. Oh, how I love my crazy Kimball!


Ashley said...

Apparently it's a common misconception, remember in the home videos when Dad kept asking me who was coming at Christmas time and I said "Grandpa Taylor!"

Rachel Oswald said...

That is hilarious! Dad is pretty righteous, so it's a common mistake :)

Unknown said...

Oh, that is too funny! My nephew went through a stage where every old man was President Hink-y. What have the people said in response to him calling them Jesus??? :D

Sally said...

That is hilarious :D

Sarah said...

Lindsay, your comment meant the world to me!! Most days it's impossible to see what the heck we are doing with these little ones. Your words gave me perspective, maybe I'm not so off after all....PS your family picture rocks.

Rosanna said...

That is so funny! Kimball is getting so grown up and so big! He looks like he's about as big as Joey. Way to go! That's how Dylan is going to be...right now he weighs as much as his 8 month old cousin, Ethan!

Crescent said...

So I had to laugh at your little paragraph on Buffalo in the last see, I'm starting to have those palpitations and increasing blood pressure, etc. I'm wondering how I am going to survive until June...and wondering how I will survive ONE more winter here after that....send me some of that vitamin D would ya??