Wednesday, June 12, 2013


 Our ward Primary did a giant Easter Egg hunt for the millions of primary kids in our ward.
 The boys were both really happy, until Joey was told there was a limit on the number of eggs you could get (only 10 so each kid could get equal).  Joey was not at all happy.
 But later int he day this sweet boy surprised us all. We started decorating our eggs. We all were putting squiggles and flowers and dot decorations on the eggs. Then we look at Joeys's eggs and they all have Jesus, or we love Jesus written on them. It was great to be reminded by my sweet 7 year old to never forget what we are celebrating.

At least to not forget all the time. It's hard to remember when you have a whole basket full of candy and toys.

This was the most amazing, beautiful salmon I ever saw or ate. I challenged my cycling classes to do some race or anything out of the ordinary that challenges them.--and then I would give them some home made jam. One guy told me he was going to do a reverse challenge.  He was going to hike to the top of a mountain he had always wanted to, but never done--and then he would give me some salmon he caught in a river in Alaska.  Well, it was amazing!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That is so funny, the picture of Joey all sad at the Easter egg hunt, haha. You capture the best moments of your kids!
Also, speaking of your sweet camera skills, that moth!! You could submit those pics to National Geographic! They are amazing!!