Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Little Things Matter

Today I dropped off Joey at his piano lesson and Kimball and I headed off to the library for our weekly trip. On our way to the library (at 4:35), Peter called to say he was headed home a little early. I asked Peter if he could just go pick up Joey from his lesson at 5 so Kimball and I wouldn't have to rush through the library like we usually do. Well, Kimball freaked out. He wanted to go with Dad to pick up Joey. (I think he just really likes the toys at Joey's piano teachers house). Peter heard the ranting over the phone and asked to talk with Kimball. After a few minutes of Kimballs pleadings, Peter turned the car around and headed for the library so he could pick up Kimball and take him to get Joey (and I could leisurely visit the library).

After fighting some crazy traffic and taking different routes, Peter and Kimball got to the Anderson's house. When they were walking to the front door Kimball looked up and said, "Dad, you did the good thing to get me. I'm going to be your friend forever."

I am so grateful for my family, and for a husband who is such a thoughtful Dad to pick up his son even when it seems like such a silly, little thing. Sometimes the little things are the most important.


Sally said...

That is so sweet :)

And a scorpion--yikes. I can't believe you've overcome your fear--I am impressed, as i think i would still b terrified (and i am!)

Keesha n David Brown said...

That totally just made me cry! How sweet! Today is David's birthday and I want to make a video with the kids as David's present. It will include some singing and the kids telling why they love their daddy. So, I was prepping them for it and asked Dawson what he loves about Dad. He said, "I love how his clothes are so soft." I asked, "His clothes?" He said, "Yes, because it's so comfortable for me to hug him." Kids really do notice such small simple things, I love it!

Carrie said...

oh that is tender.

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, that is hilarious!! I was dying at what Kimball said, and my roommate thought it was hilarious too. :) Adorable.