Sunday, June 15, 2008


Oh, what a wonderful day! I was hard to comprehend that those 4 years were finished. I had a hard time controlling the tears throughout the entire ceremony because it was so overwhelming thinking of everything we struggled through and how difficult life was at times. And then knowing that we pushed though together and were able to make it though--it is truly amazing! We were blessed very much and led every step of the way!Peter and Dan

The three wives (Brenna Kingsford, me and Michelle Call), receiving our award for most loyal supporters

Grandpa Taylor keeping Kimball happy and fed throughout the entire ceremony


Sally said...

Great photo shoot! Those pics are very nice--I'm sad that we missed it! Congrats to both of you!! And welcome to Texas :D

Camille said...

I'm so glad we could be there. Congrats again!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, congratulations! How exciting!