Sunday, November 25, 2007


This Thanksgiving we were very grateful to have Peter/Dad back. He has finished taking Boards, traveling for interviews, and all the major classwork and studying he will have to do in dental school. It's been so nice to spend good, quality time with just our little family. I was joking with Peter and saying it was like getting my husband back after a 3.5 year absence (and we had only been married two weeks before he "left").

To celebrate, we took the boys to the aquarium in Niagara Falls. Joseph loved the sea lions and their loud barks. He imitated them for a few days after that and scared Kimball every time.

On Thanksgiving day we got our first accumulation of snow. Joseph had so much fun playing outside and making snowballs to smash onto the fence. I love how he says smash, and how excited he got every time another snowball splattered, so we stayed out there for a while.

When we came inside, Joseph discovered a bag of clothes I put out for Salvation Army, and found a pair of amazing fish swim shorts that looked like they could have belonged to his father when he was 2. He insisted that he wear them all day (it added a great beach them to our Thanksgiving dinner). After the shorts were on, he played with his Elmo toy and would hold him close until Elmo would give him a kiss--it was really cute.

Then, during nap time, Joseph managed to make himself a little peephole in the blinds so he can always see out. When we explained to him that breaking the blinds was very wrong, he just looked at us and said, "buy new ones." I guess he didn't like the old ones.

We did manage to pull together a great dinner between our family, the Kingsfords, and the Calls. It's great to have our Buffalo family when everyone else is far away.

Kimball finally cut his two bottom front teeth. The poor little guy was gnawing on everything trying to get them out, and Peter and I have discovered that they are sharp! No more grabbing mom and dad's fingers for relief. We did let him take a few bites of pizza.

1 comment:

Camille said...

What a fun Thanksgiving! I love the part about Joseph and the blinds...what a funny guy! I can't wait to see you guys!