Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Watchful and Protective Big Brother

Kimball had a very strong sense of wanting to help baby Noah. He would tuck him in the swing, help him with the pacifier, and snuggle him.

When Noah was really little I would bring him outside in his bouncy with me so I could work out. He was usually happy just sitting in the shade for about 30 minutes. But after that he would be DONE and start to cry. At that point I would just bring him inside so the neighbors wouldn't hear :), and then I'd do a quick 5-10 more minutes to finish my workout. My philosophy is that that crying won't hurt them, and I just needed a few more minutes and then I'd give you the entire rest of the day.
But one day Kimball was home for this event, and the poor kid could not handle that.
He tried his best to soothe Noah, but Noah was just screaming. Every 30 seconds Kimball would open the back door and say, "Mom you NEED to help him!!" I would calmly respond that I will help Noah very soon, I was almost done--5,4, or 3 more minutes. I then told Kimball to just come outside with me and Noah would be ok inside.
But sweet Kimball wouldn't think of it. Poor kid was super tense from the screaming, but wouldn't leave his brother's side.  What a great and caring big brother you are Kimball!

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