Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Part of History

Just wanted to post a little bit of the current history. I was at first very scared witht he re-election of President Obama, but after prayer and hearing words like this from an email I got, I am feeling hopeful  The Lord's work is quickening on the Earth, that means a lot of great things will still be happening.


I put this note off a day or two. I wanted to think about what I write before I sent you this email.

If you’re like me, you are still “feeling it.” This has been a very hard week for all of us. For me personally, after having spent an entire year in the trenches day-in and day-out, it literally felt like someone kicked me in the gut. My entire family was in a daze and my own children even cried and refused to go to school.

Wednesday was one of the worst days of my life. I’m serious.

We can quibble over how this happened. Was it Romney’s fault? Why did so many Republicans not vote? What else could we have done?

As for me, I’m not going to spend much time asking “why?” And while I still haven’t caught my breath, I’ve made some decisions. I want to share them with you:

3 things I’m not doing:

* I’m not going to quit. Quitters are losers and America is not worth losing.

* I’m not listening to anyone who says, “it’s over, our country is lost.”

* I’m not giving up my beliefs just to win elections.

3 things I am doing:

* I’m going to remember who’s ultimately in control of my life and of the earth.

* I’m looking to the future with hope and not doubt.

* I’m going to prepare for the eventual collapse of Obama’s plans.

We all KNOW there is no way Obama’s plans will work. You can’t build an economy and a democracy on debt and more taxes. It WILL collapse.

So let’s prepare, build, and plan for that, OK? The American people WILL be looking for an answer when they see the end of the road for our entitlement government.

I want to be ready to give them the answer: Liberty and limited government.

Thank you for your support and your prayers. It is very much appreciated. We will be in touch again soon. Until then, I ask you to remember what I told my children Wednesday morning:

True freedom begins in the heart.

Tom Freiling
Patriot Super PAC

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