Oh I loved San Antonio for those beautiful, warm winters. After Christmas the boys loved riding their new light-up scooters all around the cul-de-sac. Joey got a new "big boy" bike for Christmas, but it was a little intimidating so he didn't like to ride it much. We gave Kimball Joey's old bike since he really needed to learn how to ride, but I felt guilty giving Kimball yet another hand-me down (he never gets anything new), so we got him a new scooter for Christmas. Well, Joey was sad because he wanted one too, so I told him he could use the money from his sweet Great-Grandparents to buy one, and he did.
Joey was so excited to show me his "cool trick." He could get some air on his scooter!
There's our sweet KIKI. I really miss that dog. We gave her to our dear friends because life was so crazy. It is so hard to maintain and sell a house with a big huge dog, and then we were moving around all summer it would have been so difficult to find a way to take care of her. So, for the sake of our family, and my sanity, we gave her to a family who adores her and could take care of her. But oh how I miss her sometimes. I just think I'm a person who can't handle kids AND a dog at the same time.
Back to the outside, the boys loved to run around with Peter when he got home from work. The boys would run to put on their "exercise" clothes (Kimball was especially adamant about having specific clothes on), and then run around and chase each other until I broke up the fun and made them come inside to eat dinner :)
With lots of Patient help from Dad, Joey mastered the big boy bike and hasn't looked back. He's growing up so fast.
One night we walked into the boys room to tuck them in and discovered that Kimball had climbed up into Joey's bed. It was so sweet to see that they actually do love each other :) They may fight all day, but in their hearts there is a lot of love. Oh, what that does to a mothers heart :)