Sunday, February 12, 2012


Yes, I realize it was months ago that all this fun fall stuff happened, but that's how crazy, busy life is here these days.

We started off October with a fun visit from Grandma and Grandpa Taylor. The boys had sooo much fun making grandma's yummy sugar cookies.

Then, the boys had fun carving pumkins with grandpa. They couldn't get enough of chopping those things up. We would catch them everyday sneaking in a few more mutilating cuts. They only made it a week before they were just a pile of mush.

One breezy day Kimball wanted to ride his bike around the cul-de-sac. After a few minutes he said, "Mom, my thumb is broken." He came over and showed me his knuckle wrinkles. Poor kid was very concerned that all his fingers were cracked and broken.

Our ward camp out was in Paradise Canyon. It was amazing to actually see some Fall colors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gorgeous fall pictures! The water is soo green in those pics! :)