My boys officially fried my phone. I gave it to Joey Tuesday evening to call Dad to see when he'd be home. Apparently he was pretty close because I heard the boys tearing outside a moment later. As they rushed outside I yelled "Joey, bring me back my phone." Apparently he didn't hear me, and I was in the middle of making dinner so I forgot about it until I needed to use my phone the next morning. Joey was already off at school, but Kimball brought it to me dripping water from the ice pack I gave him the night before.
When Joey got home I told him what happened (without getting upset--which is a new step for me, a very new and necessary step :) ). I just calmly stated the facts and waited to see what he would do. Joey took off upstairs and came down with his bank and said, "Mom, you should take some money." I told him that was very sweet of him, but I will try to dry it out first and see if it works. So today, after 24 hours of drying, it still does not work. When Joey asked about it again, I told him it really was broken. He asked, "did you take my money mom?" I told him no. He said, in a very grown up kind of voice, "you should."
Again he brought me his bank--his only valuable asset--opened it up, and said, "take some." I looked at the ten dollar bill (the savings from great-grandma's birthday gift), and a few coins, and I didn't know what to do. I said, "Joey, why don't you give me what you think you should give me for my phone." He pulled out the bill, a gold dollar coin and a nickle and asked, "how much is that?" I told him it was $11 and 5 cents. Looking a little dissatisfied he pulled out some more coins and asked, "mom, is that 1,000 now?"
Oh, what a sweet boy he is! I love him. He taught me again what a good soul he has. And a reconfirmation to me that getting upset does not teach anything. These sweet kids have such a strong desire to do what is right!