One Day when Errie and Tionne were at their parent visit, I got some supplies for Joey and Kimball to have a fun party at home (they always felt like they got the raw end of the deal when E and T got lots of treats/toys at their parent visit, and all Joey and Kimnall got was a strict mom :).
So they got to play something new AND eat candy at the same time! it was fun to see their creations.
There was a road show near our house one Saturday so we took the kids to see the old cars and got to talk with the firemen/women.
Kimball all slicked up for his 50's day at school to celebrate the 50th day of school.
Peter and Joey went duck hunting for the first time with his coresident Joe, They had a blast and were able to get a few ducks. Peter came and took the breast meat and made fajitas out of it. It was actually pretty good. The kids liked watching the butchering process.
duck fajitas
Joe's third grade project about snakes
This picture cracks me up and was great visual for the stark contrast in some aspects of Joey and Kimball's personalities. Kimball's pile of school clothes laid out for the next day is on the right, Joey's on the left. Kimball would meticulously fold and lay out each item in a very neat pile. Joey would grab something out of the drawer and throw it in a crumpled pile.Kimball went through a phase of being very particular about things being neat and in order--like his place setting for dinner had to be in the perfect order, just how he liked it.
Also in this picture, is the patched over hole Joey made in the wall. He was sitting in his room and I heard a loud crash. I came in and he was sitting on the floor holding his head and there was a big hole int he wall. Apparently he was sitting there playing and fell forward and smashed the wall. Like I've always thought, he's got a hard head :)