Thursday, January 10, 2013

School # 2

Despite the elementary school being so close and having great teachers, I decided to switch the boys to a smaller charter school. Their old school just had sooo many kids. When I went to volunteer it just seemed like they were herding cattle, not nurturing kids. When I went to eat lunch with the boys it was a zoo. I don't know how they didn't get a migraine each day sitting in that clamor (and the boys in Joey's class were talking about very inappropriate things and there was no supervision to stop them).And then Joey came home one day saying he had a purple pill at school.  I started freaking out and asked him where he got that. He said he had a tummy ache and the school nurse gave him a pill. I tried to stay calm while I called the school nurse and ask if that is standard protocol to administer meds to children without parental consent. She said she knew that was not ok, but there were so many kids in her office that morning so she just gave them all an aspirin.
So, I w as done. Their new school--Great Expectations Academy--is very small. It is so nice to know that everyone there knows me and my kids by name and each teacher and administrator can help the kids individually.

So to make the transition to a new school a little easier (those poor boys moved and started over in school 2 times in just a couple of months--but they were great troopers), I promised to make them "first day of school giant cookies" again. They requested a giant O. We went to the store and I let them pick out whatever treats and chocolates they wanted to have in the cookies. They both did great and were blessed to have friends from church and right next door in each of their new classes.

 For a while, Kimball was on a kick writing his own books. They were very cute. I love that our names are Mom Gurr and Dad Gurr :)

On Saturday mornings we would wake up to hear a little voice calling, "Joooeeey, Kiiimmmball." Katie from next door would be waiting for her friends. It was great because the Peter and I could just lounge in bed while the boys played happily outside until they got hungry enough to come in.

One backyard visitor I did not like was this black widow hanging from our patio chair...Yuck!!

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