It was in the afternoon and the boys wanted to ride their bikes around the circle so we were outside waiting for the pizza to be delivered in some beat up old car. After a few minutes Joey and Kimball said they saw a fire truck. I peeked around the corner and saw the truck. Then as it turned toward our house the lights came on and siren started wailing. And I literally had a mini heart attack. For those who may not know, we had a house fire when we lived in Buffalo where I had to run and scoop up my two napping children and run to safety at the neighbors house, so I have a little PTSD I think. As soon as that wailing truck came close to my house I started to panic. I thought, "Oh my goodness, is there really a fire? The only one in the house is kiki and dogs can't call 911 (or can they? The dogs in Joey's pet heroes book can). Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!"
After a 20 second heart/panic attack, I looked up to see Joey's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Erikson, beaming and happily waving from the truck. "OK, there's no fire. But what is going on?!?"
I was trying to calm down my heart rate and casually talk to Joey's teacher and the firmen like this was all totally normal and everyday for us. Still totally confused about the reason for the fire truck. I quietly asked Joey if he had won some special award at school, but he just gave me that blank stare like I was speaking Chinese.
Well they handed us the pizza and took a thousand pictures, and thanked us for donating. "Oh, man they must never get anything from anybody if our tip warranted the fire truck." Anyway, I was feeling totally embarrassed at that point and still feeling some heart palpitations so I was so glad to see them leave. I was glad the boys had fun, but I will never be donating to the school again :)
You crack me up - that is hilarious! That rich dentist family donating so much :)
I have heard they people "do it big in Texas" :)
That is hilarious! It probably wouldn't have been so bad if you didn't have such a traumatic experience with firefighters coming to your house in the past. I love that you said you would never be donating again. :) Did anyone else get their pizza delivered by the firemen? Way to be generous!
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