Thursday, September 25, 2008

Praying Mantis

So, one afternoon, the boys were both really (and I mean REALLY) cranky, so I thought going to the library would distract them until Dad got home. We only got about three blocks before I turned the car around because they were both hysterically screaming and crying in the back seat. I was contemplating just locking them in their rooms for an hour when we got home, but some little angel must have left a little present for us to help me keep my sanity. Right there on the garage door (as we pulled up after our 2 minute outing) was a praying mantis. Hallelujah!!! A distraction! So I very bravely grabbed the giant bug and put it low enough for the boys to see. They loved it!

"Don't worry Kimball, I'll protect you."
"Ummm, I wonder if I can eat that."

Kimball's latest love...running away as fast as that chubby little belly will go.
I always imagine the men these little boys will grow into,
but right now, I'm so glad they're still my babies!


Sally said...

Great pictures! I like the effects you used. And great story-- I think you are amazing, in many, many ways! :)

Camille said...

I'm always grateful when little angels do things like that to help the rest of the day go by faster. Some days are just like that. :)

Those are such cute pictures! I love all the special effects you do to them. The picture of Kimball and his shadow is darling! You should frame that one. I'm glad you captured the moment!

The Favorite said...

Bruce and I LOVED these pictures, the boys are so adorable and that praying mantis was pretty cool. We miss you, but I love your camera and takes such amazing pictures!