You are very sweet. You love to sing. The other day we were in the pool and you jumped on a float and started kicking towards us singing at the top of your lungs in a "monster" voice, "I know that my Savior loves me." Your favorite songs are ABC and "the temple song." I love watching you in your sunbeam class during primary singing time, singing your little heart.
You have a very tender heart and love the temple. One day out of the blue, as we got back to the house from the pool you said, "Mom, can me and Joey go to the temple so we can be with Jesus?" You often ask me about the temple and if Jesus is inside. I can't wait until you're 12 and we can go together. But I hope it doesn't come too fast because I love the sweet little boy you are right now.
You also love the missionaries. You often ask me to the you the story about when you were a missionary. It is so cute! So I tell you about how Kimball grew big and strong and was such a good missionary and taught lots of people about Jesus. I know you will be an amazing missionary who will bring light to many people.
You love to be chased around the house. you love cereal for breakfast or anytime of the day. You eat constantly. Every 20 minutes you are starving again. You cannot wait for preschool to start. You ask me every day how many more days it is until you can start. You love to ride your bike and go for a run. You still have your chubby baby cheeks. I think I will cry when those go away. I love to kiss those sweet cheeks!
We love you Kimball!