For two weeks we were quarantined in the house to not spread the horrible virus. The boys had huge blister sores all over their mouth and throat. They were in constant pain. One blessing was having my brother David visit. He came for some dental treatment from Peter, and ended up saving my sanity by helping me take care of the boys. Playing with Uncle David was the best part of those two weeks!

The ONLY thing these boys could tolerate to eat was Popsicles. They would cry just trying to drink water. Poor kids!

When David wasn't home to chase the boys around the house for hours--their favorite thing to do with David; I had to find ways to entertain them all by myself. We looked up some things on the internet and made some aquariums, and froze ice cubes to strings. I love preschool science!

David was a great baby stitter. He saved me and allowed me to excape from the house when I needed to exercise, get some more food, and go to the Dr.. Thank you David! We miss you!